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I'm a work in progress. I'm perfectly imperfect and I'm okay with that!

It took me a long time to realize that life wasn't out to 'get' me; that it wasn't just 'happening' to me. 

My biggest problem was that unresolved trauma and a bucket load of false beliefs were holding me back.

Through increasing self-awareness and developing a better understanding of mySELF, I began to bust through those barriers. 

I learned that I’m responsible for me. That means I have the ability to respond to the circumstances of my life in a way that better serves me.


Up to this point, I’d been playing the role of the victim (the most powerless position there is!).

The hardest pill to swallow was that my thoughts and false beliefs had created my current circumstances - I was not only the victim, but also the villain! 

Learning how to take responsibility for my life was about so much more than just being able to pay my bills and survive.

It meant learning and practicing mind management principles. It meant consciously choosing how I want to feel and act in any given circumstance. 

I’d spent years trapped in a vicious cycle of doubt and anxiety, always hiding behind some mask! 

Strapping on a guitar and being the party girl worked for a while, until it didn't anymore.

Finally, the day came when I had to allow myself to feel. I had to stop stuffing down the pain. I had to face the REAL me because I couldn’t stand the feeling of being a fake in my own life any longer.

I was hungry for happiness and painfully ready for inner peace. 

The road to self-acceptance and healing self-love is not always a straightforward one, but it can certainly be interesting and beyond your wildest imagination! More below....

Image by Maryna Yazbeck

Michelle Myrick

The Art of Awareness Coaching

In 2009, I was at the top of my game. 

I was 43 years old, single - never married and without kids. I was CEO of an organization and had built a good reputation as a business leader. 


To the outside world, my life looked pretty good. But from the inside, it was a different story. I felt empty and unfulfilled; lifeless and uninspired.


I’d done all the things one is supposed to do in the pursuit of happiness. 


I’d gotten a good education, had a great job, a nice house, a reliable car, a few weeks vacation to a sunny destination, great family, friends; etc.


But deep down, I was really unhappy.


None of these things gave me purpose or meaning - the ‘down to your soul’ kind of purpose and meaning. 


I didn’t know exactly what would, but I knew there had to be something more to life.


I felt selfish and guilty for wanting more.

I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just be content with what I had. Afterall, I had it better than most. But yet, I felt so lost and empty. 


I felt adrift with no direction or destination. 

I felt defective - like there must be something wrong with me.


I was in my 40’s and still hadn’t found happiness, contentment, my 'place' in the world. Worse - I didn’t know what it looked like or how to find it. I had clue what i wanted or who I even was on the inside.

I prayed for guidance, but inside I was plagued with doubts and fears. I was so afraid of making a bad decision!


I was at a crossroads in life and had nowhere to turn.


Then the unexpected happened. 


My job became redundant. Now I had no choice, I HAD TO make a decision. 


Against all advice, I decided to begin seeking my ‘something more’.  

I was done settling for the familiar. My heart and soul craved a much deeper existence.


My bottom line at 43 years of age was that I didn’t want to die with that yearning buried inside me. 

I knew I had to do something different because doing the expected wasn’t working.


My family and friends thought I’d lost my marbles. 


I made a risky decision, but I can honestly say that it was the first true decision I’d ever made that was totally 100% for me. I didn’t know it at the time, but it led me to exactly where I was supposed to be. 


I returned to my original profession of teaching - a profession I greatly disliked in my 20s. I signed a contract to teach English as a second language in a University in Saudi Arabia! 


To all who knew me, this was about as unexpected as you could get, but at the time it felt more right than anything else that lay before me. 


That single decision to follow my intuition (or what I’ve since come to call my soul’s compass), has transformed my life.


I came alive. I felt my passion ignite from within.  

I discovered a deep thirst for culture and adventure. 

I became more and more empowered and confident.

I started making choices grounded in intuitive wisdom. 

I developed a greater sense of certainty and began reshaping my self-concept. 

I stopped comparing and judging myself to others. 

I began trusting, forgiving, accepting and even loving myself. 


Since then, my journey has taken me to three more continents; reconnected me with my one and only true love after 20 years of being apart (he is now my husband); helped me to access a deep well of creativity as a visual artist, author and recording artist; and has led me to becoming a certified transformational life coach.


The biggest lesson I've learned is that the path to happiness comes from within.


Happiness comes from learning how to manage your mind and follow your soul’s compass instead of following the same path or map as everyone else.


I had ticked off all the common landmarks on that map and it left me feeling lifeless, void of purpose or passion. 


When I tuned into the calling of my soul and began trusting my inner guidance, everything turned around and the real me came alive. 


I’m no longer plagued with fear and doubt.

I’m completely guided by my soul’s compass. 

I know how to access this deeper wisdom and trust it wholeheartedly. 

Now I've dedicated my life to teaching others how to do the same.


This is my purpose. 

This is my passion. 

This is my legacy. 

This is my ‘something more’. 


I learned all this through ‘doing’ and you can too. 


You can rediscover and reconnect with your soul’s compass through a process of creative discovery.


You can learn how to control your thinking through practical mind management principles, so that your thoughts work for you rather than against you.


Once you get your mindset straight, all other areas and aspects of your life begin to align.


You can eliminate stress, anxiety, fear and doubt by getting clear about what you truly want and developing a plan to achieve it.


This is what it means to live a life full of purpose, passion and meaning.  

I spent the majority of my life doubting myself and doing what I thought everyone expected me to do.


What I didn’t know back then was that self-belief isn’t something you take in from outside. It’s something you awaken to and cultivate from within. 


Happiness really is an inside job.

If any of my story resonates with you, reach out. I'd love to chat. You can email me directly by clicking below:

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